Monday, August 10, 2009

Bones, Boiling water and camera Banging!

Overall I´ve been having a great time since my last post. To start things off, I dropped my camera, which I previously thought was broken and viola, it started working again! Okay, maybe I didn't drop it, but smacked it on the floor out of anger. Either way, I have a camera again!

We finally got back from our tech trip to Riobamba, and we have been so balls-to-the-walls busy that I really haven´t had time to update! Highlights from the trip included seeing the oldest church in Ecuador and going to creepy catatombs (not catacombs). We took really hot showers, and ate in restaurants so nice they cost up to $6 a meal. Also, I met up and had a wonderful time with X (name obscured to protect the innocent), and my heart is still aflutter! So yes, good ole times in Riobamba!

The Saturday after we returned Joy and I went on an adventure with my host brother. We rode in the back of a truck for around and hour WAY up into the Andes (pics coming soon); it was so far up that on my map of Ecuador we crossed two altitude lines, landing somewhere above 4000 meters. He took us to these really nice hot springs called Oyacachi, which can only be described as magical. The water was quite hot and the pools were extremely clean. Also, unlike the rest of the Andes, this part was super-lush; I kinda felt like I was in a jungle. Needless to say, it was exactly what we needed after a long week of travel and work.

When Joy and I got home from that we decided to cook a traditional American dinner for my host mom. The menu was meatloaf with cole slaw and potato salad. Unfortunately when we returned from the store, we discovered that my lady´s oven is purely decorative… So in the spirit of improvision I made meat loaf patties, which were a bit hit (she´ll never know the difference regardless)! We also sent plates of to Joy´s family and the neighbors, who all seemed to like it. It really made me realize how much I miss cooking!

I'm a little nervous because tomorrow we´re having elections for the Volunteer Advisory Committee (VAC). Basically one representative from each program in each ómnibus picks a volunteer to represent them in tri-annual meetings, akin to student council. If you didn't figure it out, I´m running and want to win. I'm expecting prayers from all y'all ;)

Speaking of nerves, we move out of Cangahua this weekend, and swear-in early next week… eek! I cant believe that training is so close to being over!


  1. Did I miss something? What about the bones? (Or do I want to know!)

  2. ^ I think the bones were in the catatombs...


    Wow, you're almost done with training???? WHOA! Is your mailing address still going to be the same? I just sent you an email, I'm in Missouri right now. The hot spring sound really awesome, people here are going crazy about the new health care of luck with your elections by the way!!!!

  3. The catatombs, of course! With bones and boiling water, I thought of soup! (Lesson: never read a blog from Jason in South America while hungry.)
