Wednesday, August 26, 2009

M.J. on my B-day

Update time!

So let me fill y'all in on what's been going on in my life these past few days (or has it been weeks?). I'll start with my last week in Cangahua and give you all the highlights up to my birthday for the sake of organization.

First off, I won the VAC election! I think that the rice crispy treats I made as a bribe is what really did it thought.

As for the last week in Cangahua, to show their/our appreciation, the PC threw all our host families a picnic on the last Friday we were in the Cayambe area. Some of the girls volunteered to do a traditional dance, then there was a group who played a native song, and then, most importantly, we ate! Every community was responsible for bringing a dish and the PC provided 2 pigs. Notice I said pig, not pork. That's because they didn't bother to de-head/de-leg/de-anything these pigs. However unappealing, it was actually the best pig meat I've ever had! But I digress... So my community brought deviled eggs, 200 deviled eggs to be exact. My kitchen smelled the entire weekend. And sadly enough, only the Americans ate them; my guess is that the Ecuadorians were scared by the literally-translated name, huevos de diablo. Regardless, The Family Appreciation Day was a major success, evidenced by my host mom crying, saying, and I quote: "voy a extranarte, come todos" (I'll miss you, you eat everything). Not quite sure how to take that, but it seems like a compliment...

So then the next day we all packed up and went to Quito for the last days before swearing in. It basically involved a bunch of paperwork, coffee breaks, and different (fun) drinks every night. Then came swearing in. It was a pretty cool ceremony, hosted by the ambassador, at her fabulous house... I mean mansion. We all took the oath, signed the paper and ate bagels with salmon? cream cheese (actually delicious).

After the ceremony, we were all whisked away by the PC to our respective sites. So here I am.

Then came my birthday. I woke up, read my cards (tell g-ma I got her's please), and then William came into town, and to make a long story short we hung out pretty much all day long. Highlights included: a great mixed CD, michaladas/wine, guacamole and taking a picture with Michael Jackson himself, live, in-person, no joke.

Then on Monday, yesterday, I kinda began my job. The university is still on vacation so I'm going to the Minesterio de Inclusion Economico Social (MIES for short, and I refuse to translate cognates for y'all) this week. However, today the lady didn't show up, in true Ecuadorian fashion. Off to see William instead!

And now you know the rest of the story!

OH!!! My address changed. Please spread the word. Now its:

Jason Holliday

Casilla 06-01-692

Riobamba, Chimborazo

Ecuador, South America

Planet Earth

(maybe you can leave the last part off)

I also put some more pics on flikr. They are in no order whatsoever, but check them out anyway!


  1. Oh good you are alive! :P

    I was beginning to worry they ate *you* for the peace corps training ceremony closing picnic.

    If I put planet earth do you think it will confuse the postal service?


    I'll put your b-day stuff in the mail now, I was worried it would never find you if I sent it earlier and you'd already changed places...

  2. Glad you have arrived safely back on Planet Earth, after that excursion with Michael Jackson!

  3. Guess I missed something, but did we finally figure out how to access your flickr account, Jason?
