Thursday, July 16, 2009


Ok guys, this is gonna be a short one because I don't like to dwell on sad things... So what am I sad about? Well many things- this has not exactly been the best week for me.

First off, my friends and I did a little clothes shopping on Sunday and I discovered that I've gained weight. Not that I had a scale, but I could see a pooch in my belly.

Then, on Monday we had our second LPI (language test) and I bombed it! They do an interview, and they asked about my old job. As it turns out I didn't know any of the vocab for the lab i.e. agar plates, bacterial cultures, syringe, plasma, centrifuge etc... So of all the people in Cangahua, I was the only one who didn't advance a level.

Monday the ambassador visited and gave a little speech (which is actually a positive point). However, when I was getting ready that morning I found out my camera was broken. So now I'm trying to plot a way to get a new one, but that bummed me out.

Then today my best friend that I've made in Cangahua (Alex) early terminated because she missed her family and friends too much. So that really sucks because I spent most of my free time with her... Also, it got me to thinking of how much I miss y'all back home!

Sooooo, to make myself feel better I'm writing this and listening to sad music. For some strange reason feeling worse seems like the best way to feel better...
ps there was a little riot in Cayambe yesterday; everyone is okay except a few people who were exposed to tear gas.


  1. I know ten or fifteen pounds may feel like you're carrying a sack of potatoes when you're so thin, plus make a difference in your clothes, but as your mom I always say I think a few pounds wouldn't hurt you. Lose it later.
    I'm glad that you seem to be dealing with the disappointments, especially the friend loss. Keep working on Spanish, one day the light will come on.

  2. 1) You're skinny, I always said you could stand to gain a couple pounds. :P

    2) I would fail that test in German too if they asked me "Beschreiben Sie bitte Jason Hollidays letzten Job" (Please describe Jason Holliday's last job."). You should clearly be less competent and not hold such complicated jobs!!! You're just too good! But yeah, that still sucks.

    3) YouKnowWho has been sic'ed on the camera....she's probably prowling the archives of Consumer Reports as we speak... : )

    4) That's really hard that you lost one of the new friends you made....that's just hard.

    5) You want an overblown psych explanation? Um, so, turns out that if you're really sad and you try to just "tough through it" it doesn't really work well because it requires thought suppression, which takes enormous amounts of energy and concentration from the brain. That leaves less for any other kind of self-regulation (ie, cheering yourself up, not eating cookies, etc) and also means that cognitively you're working on half an engine. So......when you just give in and let yourself listen to some sad music, your brain has a chance to actually deal with it and not keep trying to shove it down (think of whack-a-mole games at pizza places and stuff), which in turn gives you more energy for actually coping with it...voila: happier! :P

    6) ...a LITTLE riot??? Uh.... :P

    7) We miss you too....sounds like this week was tough...there will be more of those, but there will also be lots of good ones ahead...we're proud of you for sticking with it!

    8) WHERE IS YOUR FIELD SITE???!?!?!?!?!? WTF??!?!? HOW DID YOU WRITE THIS WHOLE POST AND FORGET TO TELL US WHERE YOUR SITE ASSIGNMENT/WHAT YOUR ASSIGNMENT IS???????? Not necc. the exact where, but what region, do you know?

    Leaving us hanging... :D

  3. two had two rules while in south america and you couldnt even follow those. 1- eat some sort of wierd small rodent and enjoy it and 2- dont start riots in tumultuous 3rd world countries. damn jason. ok true, i realize that starting 'revoluciones' in south america is as easy as spitting, but you HAVE to control yourself jason. we talked about this and we agreed the impoverished people of 3rd world countries need to solve their own political problems. yeesh. lets not hear about this again hmm?
